Frequently Asked Questions


Have a question?  Try these frequently asked questions first.

  • Will I need a consultation prior to treatment?

    Yes, a thorough consultation is the first step taken before any treatment is carried out. From this, a bespoke treatment plan is created along with a discussion about how any structural and ageing concerns may be corrected. It is a very educating and informative process. 

  • What is discussed at the consultation?

    I analyse the balance of the different features of the face from a variety of angles, including the profile and discuss how to make corrections, if necessary. I discuss the ageing process, where appropriate, and look at the position from where the facial tissues have fallen and discuss how to elevate them back to a more youthful position again. Patients find it a very educating process. 

  • When can my treatment begin?

    Ideally, there should be a cooling off period of several days after the initial consultation, for the patient to be able to digest any information given to them about their situation or condition and make an informed decision. Sometimes initial treatment may be started during the latter part of that session by prior arrangement, or for a patient’s convenience, especially if they have travelled from afar.

  • Can I have a virtual consultation?

    A face-to-face consultation is preferable because it allows for a digital examination. However, the consultation appointment can also now be carried out virtually, by either FaceTime or Zoom to enable potential patients to discuss their concerns with me in the relaxed comfort of their own home.  

  • How long is the treatment?

    Treatment times vary according to the types and numbers of treatment carried out per session. Treatment times are usually 60, 90, or 120 minutes in duration. They include further discussion and consenting, medical photography, preparation, treatment and aftercare instructions.

  • What can I expect at my treatment?

    Due to my years of dedicated practice in this field, I aim to achieve a virtually pain free procedure carried out with minimum trauma to the delicate facial tissues, without any signs of marks or bruising and a seamless smooth and symmetrical result. Treatment will be carried out within the most sterile protocols achievable.

  • What should I wear to my treatment?

    Wear normal comfortable clothes but with the possibility of removing or adding a layer to suit the ambient room temperature for your comfort.

  • Should I bring anything with me to my treatment?

    The only requirement would be any normal medication that you might be expected to carry on a day-to-day basis such as an inhaler.

  • Is my treatment guaranteed to work?

    Every patient is different, and every treatment is unique. All procedures are designed to produce beneficial results. Some achieve instantly visible results, but some are designed to take effect over several days or weeks. All procedures carry certain risks, but with precision planning and execution, the complication risks should be kept to a bare minimum and successful results achieved. Results are not just dependent on product placement but also on the body’s ability to respond accordingly to the product.

  • Are there any side effects to Botulinum Toxin?

    There can be some side effects, of course, but the whole point of doing good planning and careful precision techniques is to minimise any risk of unwanted side effects. In my hands they are extremely rare.

  • Are there any side effects to Dermal Fillers?

    I believe in the safer use of fine blunt instruments called cannulae for product placement rather than the use of needles which are sharp and cause more trauma. Therefore, risk of trauma to the delicate tissues is kept extremely low and as a result my patients experience virtually no downtime or bruising. Treatment is carried out with the strictest protocol of sterility, so that post op complications such as infection do not occur.

  • How will I feel at the end of my treatment?

    You should feel uplifted by your immediate post op results and excited. You should look and feel perfectly well enough to resume your normal planned daily activities, with a few exceptions to this rule. In the case of treatments that take a little longer to achieve their effect such as Botulinum Toxin, you should feel very positive that you are doing something to improve your situation or condition.

“Dr Ruth is so passionate about her work, planning everything in detail and taking every step to ensure fantastic results every time. She is truly amazing.”

Kate, Selby

5/5 star rating (SaveFace

“Dr Ruth Brady is a fabulous clinician and very thorough. Speaking as both a patient and a clinician myself, she is a very safe and ethical practitioner and is good at putting patients at ease.”

Kate Walker, Wakefield (Dental Surgeon)

5 /5 star rating (SaveFace)

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